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Canadian Immigration Services


Initial Consultation Agreement

Booking a Consultation through this platform expressly confirms your acknowledgment and acceptance of the following Terms and Conditions outlined in the Initial Consultation Agreement.

This Initial Consultation Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets forth the terms and conditions under which Ray Dulani (legal name: Ravi Narayan Dulani) (the “Lawyer”) will provide the initial consultation (the “Consultation”) legal service to the Client on a limited, non-exclusive basis. 

  1. Purpose of Consultation: The purpose of the Consultation is for the Lawyer to provide the Client with general legal advice and information regarding the Client’s legal matter. The Consultation is for the Lawyer to:
    1. learn about the Client and the Client’s particular legal needs based on the information the Client provides;
    2. answer the Client’s questions to the best of the Lawyer’s ability;
    3. identify the Client’s options and, to the extent possible, analyze the costs and benefits of those alternatives;
    4. help the Client determine their course of action, if any;
    5. discuss the Lawyer’s fees and terms of representation if a lawyer-client relationship is to be established after the Consultation; and
    6. determine the next steps in the process, as appropriate. The Client understands that the Lawyer is not retained until a separate written retainer agreement or engagement letter is signed by both parties.
  2. Scope of Services: The Lawyer will provide the Client with the Consultation regarding the Client’s legal matter. The Consultation will be conducted in person, by phone or online, at the Lawyer’s discretion. The Lawyer will listen to the Client’s concerns and provide the Client with general information about the legal options available to the Client. The Lawyer will not provide the Client with any specific legal advice during the Consultation.
  3. Limitations: The Lawyer’s advice during the Consultation is based solely on the information provided by the Client and is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice in any subsequent legal proceeding. Because it may be impossible to fully assess a matter within the time frame allotted for the Consultation or with the information or documents that the Client provides at the Consultation, the Client should not rely upon legal opinions during the Consultation concerning any legal matter. The Client acknowledges that the Lawyer has not conducted any independent investigation or verification of the information provided by the Client.
  4. Client responsibility: The Client must provide the Lawyer with such factual information and documentation as are required to perform the Consultation. The Client must be accurate and honest and must inform the Lawyer of all information, even if negative or adverse, which might be relevant to the advice provided by the Lawyer in this matter. Failure to fully disclose all relevant information to the Lawyer will impact the advice given by the Lawyer and may void this Agreement, or seriously affect the outcome of the application of the Client or the retention of any status that the Client may obtain.
  5. Advice Current on Date of Consultation: The advice provided by the Lawyer to the Client is based on Canadian law and policy current on the date of the Consultation where relevant. The Client acknowledges that laws, regulations, and court decisions may change after the Consultation and that the advice provided may no longer be accurate or applicable. The Lawyer is not responsible or accountable for any change in government legislation or policy or court decisions that may impact the processing of any subsequent application by the Client. The Lawyer makes no guarantee or representation about future legal developments or their potential impact on the Client’s legal matter.
  6. No Guarantee of Results: The Lawyer shall provide the Consultation to the Client to the standard of a competent lawyer. The Lawyer does not guarantee that he will be able to assist the Client in meeting their business, education, employment, immigration, or legal goals. The Lawyer makes no guarantee or representation about the outcome of the client’s legal matter.
  7. Consent to Recording: The consultation may be recorded for our record, reference, and quality checks. If you do not wish the consultation to be recorded, kindly inform the Lawyer at the outset of the call. By proceeding to book the call, you give your consent and agree for the call to be recorded. Please note that recordings cannot be shared due to their large file size.
  8. Fees: The Client agrees to pay the Lawyer a consultation fee payable at the time of booking the Consultation. If the Client retains the Lawyer within ten (10) days for further legal services in the specific legal matter of the Consultation, the consultation fee will be applied towards the total legal fees. Fees for legal services quoted during the Consultation are valid for ten (10) days from the date of the Consultation.
  9. Confidentiality: The Client understands and agrees that any information or materials shared by the Client with the Lawyer during the Consultation, whether in writing, verbally or through any other means, will be deemed to be confidential and shall not be disclosed by the Lawyer to any third party, other than Lawyer’s agents and employees to the extent that it is necessary for the representation of the Client, without the prior written consent of the Client, except as required by law or as necessary to protect the Lawyer’s interests. This confidentiality obligation shall remain in effect even after the conclusion of the Consultation.
  10. Limited Scope of Services: No lawyer-client relationship is intended to be established by the Consultation. Such a relationship will only be established upon the execution of a separate retainer agreement outlining the scope of services and terms of representation. The Consultation is a limited- scope service provided by the Lawyer to help the Client determine whether the Client may want to retain the Lawyer to provide legal services. The Consultation is limited to a discussion of the Client’s legal matter and the provision of general information and advice. The Lawyer will not be representing the Client or taking any action on their behalf during this Consultation. At the conclusion of the Consultation, there is no obligation for the Client to retain the Lawyer, nor does the Lawyer have an obligation to provide services to the Client, unless mutually agreed.
  11. Retainer Agreement / Engagement Letter Required: Following the Consultation, if the Client agrees to retain the Lawyer, and if the Lawyer agrees to provide services to the Client, then the Lawyer will prepare a separate and more detailed written Retainer Agreement or Engagement Letter to be executed by both parties. The Retainer Agreement or Engagement Letter will supersede this Agreement and will set forth the terms and conditions of the Lawyer’s representation of the Client, including the Lawyer’s fees and the specific services to be performed by the Lawyer.
  12. Cancellation, Rescheduling, No-Show, and Refund Terms:
    1. Refunds: The client may request a refund for a scheduled consultation if the request is made at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time. Refunds will be processed within seven (7) business days;
    2. Rescheduling: The client may reschedule a scheduled consultation only once if the request is made at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time. A rescheduling fee of $100 will becharged for any rescheduling requests made less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time;
    3. Cancellation: In case the lawyer cancels a scheduled consultation, the client will be offered an alternative time slot or will be fully refunded;
    4. No-shows: The client will be charged the full consultation fee if they fail to attend the scheduled consultation;
    5. Emergencies: In case of an emergency, the client may contact the lawyer to reschedule the consultation at no extra cost.
  13. Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Saskatchewan and the laws of Canada applicable therein without regard to any conflict of laws provisions.
  14. Acceptance: The Client acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement. By payment of the required consultation fees, the Client agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and further agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Please be advised that Ray Dulani is a member in good standing of the Law Society of Saskatchewan and as such is bound by its By-Law, Code of Conduct, and Regulations.

By paying the consultation fees the client agrees that he/she/they have read this initial consultation agreement and its clauses and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in it.

Consultation fee may be applied as a credit towards the cost of our services if you choose to retain us, within 10 days of your appointment.

Canadian Immigration Consultation

45 Minutes

Special Summer Limited-Time Promotion
Special Fall Limited-Time Promotion
Special Winter Limited-Time Promotion
Special Spring Limited-Time Promotion

Canadian Immigration Consultation

30 Minutes

Special Summer Limited-Time Promotion
Special Fall Limited-Time Promotion
Special Winter Limited-Time Promotion
Special Spring Limited-Time Promotion

30 Minutes

Canadian Immigration In-person Consultation

30 Minutes

Canadian Immigration Virtual Consultation

1 Hour

Canadian Immigration In-person Consultation

1 Hour

Canadian Immigration Virtual Consultation

15 Minutes

Canadian Immigration Virtual Consultation
Canadian Employers

As a licensed member of the Law Society of Ontario and Law Society of Saskatchewan in Canada, we are authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to represent individuals and companies for all immigration applications.
